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Our services

Gynecology / Obstetrics

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • Prenatal control card

  • Prenatal control of the pregnant woman and the baby

  • doppler fetal monitoring

  • gynecological examination

  • breast examination

  • Rapid urine test (strips)

  • Glucose intake (dextroxtis)

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?

Obstetric consultation

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • gynecological examination

  • breast examination

  • Rapid urine test (strips)

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?

Consulta Ginecológica

Precio regular :

900 MXN

  • Cervical-vaginal cytology

  • Result (images) digital / Printed

  • result review

  • Medical indications in case monitoring or treatment is required

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?
What includes?

Liquid based pap smear

Regular price :

650 MXN


Precio regular :

700 MXN

¿Qué incluye?
  • Examen de colposcopía (observación de cuello uterino, vagina y vulva a través de un colposcopio que permite amplificar imágenes e identificar alteraciones usando filtros de luz y soluciones)

  • Visualización conjunta médico-paciente durante el estudio a través del colposcopio (opcional)

  • Resultado (imágenes) digital/impreso

  • Interpretación de resultado

  • Consejería médica por especialista

¿Qué incluye?


Regular price :

700 MXN

What includes?
  • Observation of the penis and its structures, through a colposcope equipment

  • Result (images) digital / Printed

  • Result interpretation

  • Medical indications in case of requiring treatment

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?
  • Valoración médica,dependiendo del área afectada y extensión. Eliminación a través del método de  electrocauterización, sin cirugía o cortes. Recuperación rápida, procurando resultados estéticos para evitar cicatrices. Seguimiento a los 10 días y  1 mes para garantizar resultados.

  • Establecemos un precio individualizado posterior a la valoración. No contamos con precios fijos, ya que el virus impacta de manera diferente en el cuerpo.

  •  Cuenta con nuestro apoyo para un plan accesible y eficaz. 

¿Qué incluye?

Treatment of warts / warts + Consultation


3,500 a 5000 MXN*

*Price subject to change

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • Explanation of the different contraceptive methods. risks and benefits

  • Contraceptive selection advice according to your needs and risk factors

  • gynecological examination

  • breast examination

  • Rapid urine test (strips)

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?

Contraceptive Guidance

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

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Gynecology Child Youth

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • adolescent reproductive health

  • sexual identity counseling

  • Advice on Anorexia, bulimia and other pathologies that can induce hormonal disorders

  • psychosocial behavior

  • Rapid urine test (strips)

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?

Sexual Identity Counseling

Precio regular :

900 MXN

  • Asesoría por médico especialista

  •  Asesoría de identidad sexual (Identidad de género/Orientación sexual/Características sexuales y Rol de género)

  • Comportamiento psicosocial

  • Signos vitales

  • IMC (Índice de Masa Corporal)

¿Qué incluye?
Ginecología / Obstetricia

We also have the following services by appointment

Medicina Interna

Internal Medicine

medicina interna.png

Query de 

Internal Medicine

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • Adult vaccination guide

  • Prevention of chronic diseases according to age and risk factors

  • Glucose intake (dextroxtis)

  • Results checking

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?
Adulto mayor
  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • Vaccination guide for the elderly

  • Prevention of chronic diseases according to age and risk factors.

  • Mental status assessment

  • Comprehensive care for the elderly

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?

Attention Elderly Adults and Psychogeriatrics 

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

Medicina General

General medicine

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Consultation of

General practitioner

Regular price :

$700 MXN

  • Advice by general practitioner

  • comprehensive general exam

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?


obesidad infantil.jpg

Childhood obesity

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • Nutritional assessment and diagnosis

  • Dietetic or dietotherapeutic

  • Inbody Analysis

  • Personalized menu (given to parents)

  • Talk with parents 

  • Food choice system, taught by colors for children and exemplary plate 

  • Vital signs 

  • BMI

  • Access to an application to see your eating plan

  • WhatsApp tracking

What includes?
Orientacion Nutricional.jpg
  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • InBody body composition analysis: % fat (body fat y  fat stored in organs) / kg of muscle.

  • Accompaniment by WhatsApp and advice between consultations (15-25 days)

  • Personalized eating plan with menu and interchangeable foods

  • Menu recipes 

  • Educational session on nutrition topics that are of interest to you

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?

Nutritional Guidance

Regular price :

1,200 MXN




Pediatric consultation

Regular price :

1,200 MXN

  • Advice by a specialist doctor

  • Infant immunization counseling

  • Well-child checkup

  • Assessment of the physical and psychomotor development of the infant

  • comprehensive general exam

  • Vital signs

  • BMI

What includes?


US Abdominal Gynecologic

Regular price :

800 MXN

Promotional :

700 MXN

US Mammary

Regular price :

1,000 MXN

Promotional :

900 MXN

US Pelvic prostatic

Regular price :

1,000 MXN

Promotional :

900 MXN

Hepatic and bile duct US

Regular price :

1,000 MXN

Promotional :

900 MXN

US Gynecological transvaginal

Regular price :

1,000 MXN

Promotional :

800 MXN

US Renal

Regular price :

900 MXN

Promotional :

800 MXN

US Testicular

Regular price :

900 MXN

Promotional :

800 MXN

Thyroid US

Regular price :

800 MXN

Promotional :

700 MXN

Conventional US Obstetric

Regular price :

800 MXN

Promotional :

700 MXN

US urinary tract

Regular price :

2,000 MXN

Promotional :

1,800 MXN

US upper abdomen

Regular price :

1,300 MXN

Promotional :

1,200 MXN

US Muscle Skeletal Shoulders

Regular price :

800 MXN

Promotional :

700 MXN


We can help you in:

  • ¿Qué es una sección de preguntas frecuentes?
    Una sección de preguntas frecuentes sirve para responder rápidamente a preguntas comunes sobre tu negocio. P. ej.,"¿A dónde haces envíos?", "¿Cuál es el horario de atención?" o "¿Cómo se puede reservar un servicio?".
  • ¿Para qué sirven las preguntas frecuentes?
    Las preguntas frecuentes son una excelente manera de ayudar a los visitantes del sitio a encontrar respuestas rápidas a preguntas comunes sobre tu negocio y crear una mejor experiencia de navegación.
  • ¿Dónde puedo agregar mis preguntas frecuentes?
    Las preguntas frecuentes se pueden agregar a cualquier página de tu sitio y también a tu app móvil de Wix, para que los miembros puedan verlas desde cualquier dispositivo.
  • Amenorrea
    La amenorrea es la ausencia de menstruación con un mínimo de tres (3) períodos menstruales en una mujer en edad reproductiva, seis (6 meses en la adolescente), así como las niñas que no comenzaron a menstruar a los 15 años.
  • Contraception
    Contraception is the prevention of pregnancy. Contraception, or birth control, also allows couples to plan the timing of a pregnancy. Some methods can also provide protection against infection. Each person should consult their healthcare professional to determine which method is best for them.
  • Climacteric
    The Climacteric is the transition period in a woman's life, between the reproductive stage and the non-reproductive stage, this period begins approximately 5 years before menopause.
  • Control and Monitoring of Pregnancy
    Pregnancy control or prenatal control is the follow-up that is carried out throughout the gestation period. Check-ups with the gynecologist specialist should be monthly during the first seven months of pregnancy and more frequent when the estimated date of delivery approaches.
  • Endometriosis
    Endometriosis is a disease characterized by the presence of endometrial tissue (the lining of the uterus) outside the uterus. It causes a chronic inflammatory reaction that can lead to the formation of scar tissue (adhesions, fibrosis) within the pelvis and other parts of the body.
  • Uterine fibroids
    Uterine fibroids are noncancerous tumors of the uterus that often appear during the childbearing years, also called fibroids, uterine fibroids can cause pain and menstrual disturbances, but are not associated with an increased risk of uterine cancer and are rarely turns into cancer.
  • HPV Prevention and Treatment
    Used correctly, condoms reduce the risk of HPV transmission. However, it does not completely eliminate it since the virus can lodge in points of the genital-anal area that are not protected by the condom. Vaccination against HPV offers effective protection against new infections by the virus. Vaccination is preventive.
  • Premenstrual syndrome
    They are the physical and emotional symptoms that many women feel before and during menstruation. It is caused by hormonal changes that occur during the menstrual cycle.
  • Menstrual disorders
    There are various alterations of the menstrual cycle, although the most frequent are: oligomenorrhea or infrequent monthly bleeding hypermenorrhea or heavy menstrual bleeding hypomenorrhea or scanty menstrual bleeding meno metrorrhagia or prolonged menstrual bleeding metrorrhagia or breakthrough bleeding
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